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This ontology has been created using the information gathered from the projects partners, informations wich allows to create a network of relevant (semantic) wise data.
In order to achieve the best flexibilitty of the system the Ontology, accordingly to the Linked Open Data paradigm, reuse a set of widely adopted ontologies.

An exhaustive documentation about the Ontologies are accessible using the following link:

Explore the data

In order to better understand how the elements are connected and associated with each other, is possible to explore the Ontology using the below SPARQL Endpoint. A visual representation of the ontology is also avaible

Visually explore the general term ontology

Visually explore the EMDN medical devices ontology

Some query examples:

The query does not run automatically

These simple queries (and other more complex) can be joined togheter, creating an extremely powerful and accurate tool for data manipulation

SPARQL Endpoint

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